Monday, August 29, 2011

Big Brother 13 - Episode 23

Big brother's first recap episode of the season may be the most unique...a recap of all the drama that happened.

MINUS PRODUCTIONS DIRTY HANDS!!!!  they edited to make it seem like they weren't involved at all...

so how was it edited...

Rachel asked Jeff if he threw the Corn Hole veto because Shelly said so.  Jeff and Shelly start fighting about it which lasts a good 15 minutes and then they recap the show from the Double Elimination...oddly they bring Jeff back to talk about it...I thought he was supposed in sequestor!!! Production must be getting their fingers dirty again.

Rachel's best line ever: How can we be such bad players. LMAO

Loving Jordan's RAGE OF's just fun to see her different sides. but what Jordan has never realized this season is that she is in a game to win Big Brother twice (which has never been done)...a game I personally don't believe she should be allowed in...a game she doesn't personally think she should be allowed in. I know in my heart of hearts she came in to help Jeff win. and now she is stuck in a house without him.

Big Brother should not be about people living in a house that know each other. but that's just my opinion. some people like that junk.

Best player ever????? SHELLY   she is sooooooo ruthless. im in awe.  Who's Dr. Will? Evil Dick?  They don't got nothing on her...

This just in:  on the internet it says that Shelly's family is threatened by fans of Jeff.  That is so awful.  Granted I threw a HUGE tissy fit over Brendan's return so I KNOW all about taking the game too seriously and personal, HOWEVER, I would never try to connect with Brenden himself or his family nor would I want him to read this. He is a character on a tv show...he happens to be real, but CBS created "the Brendon that I hate" not Brendon himself.

The snake eye HOH competition happens and brand new player Porsche wins.  Where has she been hiding?

At this time Rachel and Jordan boo hoo and cry.  I feel bad for Jordan but on the other hand all that she is upset about winners celebrating..and that is what her team has been doing all summer.  Rachel, I don't feel sorry for.

This is a game for money...why are we crying.  They should be fighting for future votes...LIKE ADAM. MR FLOATER IS FLOATING TO  THE NEWBIE SIDE AGAIN...unbelievable. yet guess who is most likely safe...ADAM

Porsche goes to her HOH room and sees Pandora's box.  She goes through a trapdoor room into a beautiful living room with couch and wine glasses and two suitcases of $5,000 (which may go to her - they didn't really explain that part yet), and a card to read to the houseguests.

Porsche goes downstairs and tells the houseguests that because she chose Pandora's box The DUOS are back for one week. interesting.

Porsche and Kahlia become partners.
Jordan and Rachel are partners
and Shelly and Adam are partners.

The show ends with Jordan and Rachel celebrating the chance that if one of them wins the veto, they can get them both off...that's if they are up for elimination...we will find out on Wednesday.

does anyone else think that Jordan looks like a Skipper Barbie Doll and that Rachel looks like  one of the cheap barbies that you can get at the dollar store that's not really a Barbie and there legs, waist and head come off super easy?

just a thought...

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