Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Brother 13 - Episode 1

And We're Off....


Lawon - Stop saying he has good fashion sense!  He has NO FASHION SENSE!  annoying.
Kahlia - 27?  More like 37!  Carrie Bradshaw...I think not.  I do feel sorry for her partnership though!

Shelly - I really like Shelly, but I do think she is throwing in the towel a little too soon.  I have a feeling that  competitions won't be her strength...she will probably be around for a bit though, lying low.
Cassie - Same as Shelly.  She seems real and will probably lie low and stay in the game.  Not really understanding the "mama" term though.

Keith - I'm CONCERNED that the ordained minister is a womanizer. CONCERNED.
Porshe - She seemed nicer in her interview but I think she will end up being a good player.

Dominic - LOVE HIM!!!!  I can go on and on...he cracked me up when he talked about Adam's bald head in his ass.
Adam - I normally would be annoyed by Adam, but I actually find him real and entertaining.


Rachel and Brendan - NOOOOO! annoying.

Jeff and Jordan - I like Jeff and Jordan but Jeff is mean to Jordan

Dick and Danielle - Funny that they still don't talk.  This should be interesting.

Is it fair that Dick and Jordan can still play when they have already won the game?

It will be interesting how the twists and turns play out in the game.  My theory is that after the top ten are announced they will all play individually again.

Until Sunday....


  1. I love that we are on the same page for most things, no wonder we are friends!

  2. I totally missed the first show!!!! no!!! I suck. who won the HOH?

  3. Brachel kills my life. I don't know how long I can listen to her annoyance of a laugh for. I Dominic to have a showmance, because he is hot, hot, hot! Khalia..not too sure what's going on there. And Evil Dick? I need him GONE ASAP! -Erica V

  4. Judy - hopefully you are getting caught up on the show now. Erica V - welcome to the blog! Where are you from?

  5. OMG I never realized how ugly the "fashionista" pants were! Man he looks sloppy.
