Thursday, July 29, 2010

Big BROTHER Season 12 Entry 8

Wednesday, July 29, 2010

THE LANE SHOW!  seriously, why did he have so much camera time saying random silly idiotic things...if it wasn't THE LANE SHOW it would be called the I'M WITH STUPID episode cuz everyone is acting stupid.

Today I have words of advice for certain housemates and also some comments of the show.

Matt - Why are you using floaters?  That's not that smart.  You are playing selfish and it could really hurt you in the long run.

Matt - GET YOUR SHOES OFF THE BED! and don't  put skulls on that beautiful bed setting.

Best Room - the HOH room!
Worst Room - the barraks fatigue room!
Weird Room - The sunset room with a purple door, blue carpet, red bedspreads, and sunset walls. Who designed that oddity?

Andrew - Stop making crazy noises around the house just cuz you got nominated!


Matt - You are stupid!  You just want to make enemies but what you don't realize is that they will all be gunning for you and you will go home next time.

Andrew - The reason you are cleaning is because you are bored.  Start interacting with people.

MY OWN ODD COMMENT : Twice Andrew looked cute for a second.  When he picked Rachel out of the hat and when he was wearing Brendon's Yellow tshirt and jeans at the end and was glaring.  He looks cute when he's angry.

Matt - Don't complain about Rachel and Brendon getting to play the veto game.  You could have NOMINATED them!!!  Diobolical Super Genius Idiot is what I think!

Go eat pop rocks!

TEXAS LANE - your gun/shootin' driving around talk is actually starting to scare me.

THE VETO CHALLENGE - Enzo looked adorable in his genie costume.  and kept saying the word "yous" when talking to more than one person.  The Veto Competition was really fun to watch but a little nervewracking.  Brendon wins making Matt's plan officially the most Stupid Move in Big Brother History possibly.

Hayden - stop yelling in the diary room. My volume is always loud, I don't need stereo blasts from you.

Brendon - You looked super cute all episode.  I loved all your outfits and your new haircut.  I even heard Rachel saying how cute he looked.

Cathy - Are you really a sherrif?  REALLY???

Cathy and Lane - you were so Hillbilly this episode.  Are you always like this or did the "producers" try to add comedy into the mix this week....

Matt - Get Your Hands Out Of Your Pants and stop saying that the brigade needs a break.  Dude, the brigade is not going home this week nor have they ever gone home.  YOU ARE ON BREAK!

Brendon chooses not to use the veto, and Andrew acts like a crazy person "I'm after you Brendon and Rachel and Brendon I ask that you use the veto on me"  - that plan whatever it was also sucks and you pare probably going home now becauase you sound like and idiot...sound familiar this epsiode...


  1. I loved the Lane Show last night. Matt nailed it on the head when he said Lane is like a cartoon character chewing on a piece of straw in overalls. I can't believe people like Lane exist in the world but I can't stop laughing at him.

    I also got quite a few laughs from Enzo's "yous" comments. "Yous all decided to stay".

    I like Matt. Not sure why but I do. He has made stupid decisions as HOH but overall I think he's pretty smart...but not a diobolical super genius.

    Brenden...oh he's so cute! Love the new haircut even though we had to watch Rachel straddle him to give him that haircut.

    Cathy drives me nuts and so do her tarantula eyelashes. I hope she leaves even though she wasn't a big threat to anyone in the house.

    Andrew is in his own little world. He's tolerable but not really doing anything except obsessive cleaning. His speech for the veto was weird and awkward. I think it confused more people then what he actually intended to do.

    So far this season I haven't been wowed quite yet. I think if the sabetour was still around I'd be more addicted to the show. 1/2 of all episodes seem to be the Brachel make out session. Really disgusting to zoom in on them swatting spit every 3 minutes.

  2. I don't get this season. I think everyone is NOT playing the game well at all. I'm surprised by the nominees and those evicted every time.

    Oh, and I can't stand listening to Matt being a self-proclaimed "genius" when he seems like an IDIOT! Ok, there's my rant. ;-)

  3. I am not a Matt fan and after reading his HOH blog letter, I like him less.

  4. Alethea - LOVED your thoughts and comments...sounds like we are thinking alike this year.

    Donna - feel free to rant whenever. I'm really enjoying this season but I totally agree that no one seems to really be playing. I think I'm just enjoying it because there is no one that is physically making me ill like in past years...and the storyline flows at this point.

    Shannon - I'll have to check it out!
